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Day 1

Day One | Tuesday, 23 July


Registration and Morning Refreshments


Welcome to Country

Aunty Robyn Collard


Welcome Address from the Women Leaders Institute 


Chairperson’s Opening Address 


Dani Tamati, Founder/Director; President, THE resources HUB; WA Mining Club

Shaping the Future of Mining & Resources


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Opening Keynote: The Future of Mining & Resources

Sally North,
WorkSafe Commissioner, Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety


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Panel: Equitable Access to Opportunities


  • Addressing the barriers to entry and advancement faced by underrepresented groups in the mining and resource sector, including women, racial minorities, and indigenous communities 

  • Strategies for promoting equitable access to education, training, and career advancement opportunities for individuals from diverse backgrounds 

  • How to foster a more inclusive and representative workforce in the industry 


Moderator: Jade Singleton, Group Lead - Resource & Industry WA, AECOM; Chair, Get Into Resources Inc. 

Olivia Trembath,
DEI Consultant and Executive Coach, Grace Papers


Linda Lim, Global Head of Finance, IMDEX â€‹â€‹


​Leigh Slomp, General Manager, Technical Services, Arcadium Lithium 


Sam Retallack, Chief People Officer, IGO Limited


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Championing Change: Voice of Hope's positive impact on Aboriginal women's lives


Lorraine Pryor, Safety Technology Officer, BHP; Motivational Speaker & Presenter, Voice of Hope 


Anna Te Nahu, Process Technician, Covalent Lithium; Mentor, Voice of Hope


Networking Activity


Morning Tea

Talent Attraction & Retention


Golden Ticket: Stand a chance to our mystery prizes


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Panel: Empowering & Mentoring the Next Generation of Leaders


  • How to develop mutually beneficial mentoring relationships, particularly among the next generation of leaders 

  • Mentoring initiatives within an organisation, including skill development, career guidance, and network expansion, and how those benefits both mentor and mentee 

  • Practical approaches to inclusive recruitment, leadership training and policy development 

  • Discussing flexible work arrangements, professional development opportunities, and wellness programs as key drivers of employee satisfaction and retention


Moderator: Shelley Duncan-Griffiths, Chief People & Culture Officer, HR Creative


Kelsie Clarke, Principal Business Improvement Planning, Woodside Energy; CME Outstanding Young Woman in Resources Award Winner


Catherine Taplin, Vice President People, Rio Tinto 


Richard Broxton, Head of People & Community, Warrikal â€‹


Dannie Phelan, Founder, The Capability Alliance


Networking Lunch

​Authenticity & Resilience




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Ministerial Keynote: Empowering the Next Generation – Government Initiatives to Advance Gender Equity in Mining & Resources 


Hon David Michael MLA, Minister for Mines and Petroleum; Ports; Road Safety; Minister Assisting the Minister for Transport, Western Australia Government 


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Navigating the Shift: Transitioning from Technical Roles to Management


  • Overcoming the common challenges faced when transitioning from a technical role to a management position   

  • Sharing personal experiences, highlighting specific hurdles encountered and lessons learned 

  • Identifying opportunities for growth and development that arise from the transition 

  • Paving the way by mentoring and equipping the next generation of leaders with the tools they need to succeed 


Moderator: Keren Paterson, CEO and Managing Director, JSW Drilling 


Anastasia Santoso, Metallurgy Superintendent, Genesis Minerals Limited 


Hannah Berthold, Director, HER Engineering Machining & Maintenance; Exceptional Young Woman in NSW Mining, NSW Women in Mining Awards 2024 


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Interactive Mini Workshop: Knowing your why and following through


​​Tamara Callaghan Cooke, Coach and Professional Development Trainer, Discern Training

Defining your Purpose & Taking Intentional Action


Afternoon Tea

Amplifying Voices for Change


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Closing Keynote: Overcoming Adversity to Thrive in Challenging Environments 


  • Practical strategies and personal stories on navigating challenges in male-dominated industries 

  • Lessons on staying agile and adapting to change  

  • High-performance strategies to drive success and excellence 


Michelle Cowan, Head of Women's Football AFLW, West Coast Eagles


Chairperson’s Closing Address


Networking Drinks and End of Summit Day One

Day 2

Day Two | Wednesday, 24 July


Registration and Morning Refreshments


Welcome Address from the Women Leaders Institute 


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Chairperson’s Opening Address


​Sophie Hancock, Principal Consultant, Geo-Logic Resources

Fostering an Inclusive & Respectful Workplace Culture


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C-suite Panel: Working beyond sector silos: How cross-sector learning can benefit gender equity


  • Emphasising the critical role of leadership in shaping a safe and respectful organisational culture from the boardroom to the frontline 

  • How leaders from male-dominated, cross-sector organisations can provide insights into challenges women encounter when moving into or during their time as leaders 

  • Unpacking effective organisational practices to attract and retain women as leaders 

  • Implementing an intervention to enhance practices in the workplace that support women in leadership positions 

  • Addressing challenges faced during the intervention 


Moderator: Ashley McGrath, Chief Executive Officer, CEOs for Gender Equity


Jackie Donnan, Head of People, Fortescue


Amanda Healy, Chief Executive Officer, Warrikal 


Mark Glasson, Chief Executive Officer, Anglicare WA 


Ian Edwards, Chief Executive Officer, Racing and Wagering WA


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Interactive Session – Allyship in Action 


  • Explore effective methods to foster an environment where everyone feels valued and included 

  • Shine a light on the specific hurdles underrepresented groups face in the industry, including gender bias, stereotypes, and the lack of representation in leadership 

  • Learn how to move beyond superficial gestures and drive meaningful cultural change through genuine leadership buy-in 

  • Discover proven techniques and success stories for living and working inclusively 


Trina Sunday, Chief Executive Officer, Reimagine HR


Morning Tea




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Fireside Chat: Breaking the Glass Ceiling: Strategies for Increasing Female Representation in Boardroom Leadership 


  • Addressing the current state of female representation in corporate leadership within the mining and resources sector 

  • Identifying and exploring the barriers that prevent mining operations women from breaking into leadership roles, particularly at the Executive Leadership Team and board level 

  • Highlighting the benefits of gender diversity in corporate leadership 

  • Strategies for building a pipeline of female talent within the industry 


Moderator: Alex Atkins, Non-Executive Director, Perenti Ltd; Aquirian Ltd


Debbie Morrow, Non-Executive Director, GR Engineering; CEO and Managing Director, Agrimin Limited


Nicole Duncan, Former Managing Director, NickelSearch  

Psychosocial, Physical & Mental Wellbeing


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Panel: Building Stronger Teams – Empowering resilience in your workforce  


  • Strategies for fostering resilience and maintaining wellbeing in high-pressure environments 

  • Cultivating a supportive workplace culture through empathetic leadership  

  • Implementing mental health resources and counselling support for employees 

  • Addressing workplace bullying and harassment with open dialogue and supportive networks 


Moderator: Kate Walawski, Principal, Cullen Macleod Lawyers â€‹


Kelly Grey, Mental Health Coordinator and Counsellor, Mineral Resources 


Steve Duggan, Field Officer, Mates in Mining WA 


Networking Lunch

Charting Your Growth & Development


Introduction to Interactive Scenario-Based Breakout Sessions 


Delegates will participate in two sessions of their choosing. Each session will run for 30 minutes. 


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Interactive Scenario-Based Breakout Sessions 


Breakout A: Impactful Goal Setting & Taking Courageous Action

Sarah Meadwell, Self-Discovery and Career Coach 


Breakout B: Creating a Positive Mindset  

Bettina Pettit, Mentor and Coach, Women in FIFO 


Breakout C: Circles of Influence 

Jennifer McMahon, Chief Purpose Officer, Modern People Global 


Breakout D: Leaders as Coach 

Jo Harper, Leadership Coach, Discernment Leadership 


Breakout E: Self Leadership 

Rebecca Hannan, Director, Mental Health and Well-Being Strategist and Trainer, Positively WELL


Afternoon Tea

Defining your Professional Brand for Career Success


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Interactive Mini Workshop – Personal branding for professional success


Liz Del Borello, Certified Leadership Coach, Leaders Lobby 


Chairperson’s Closing Address


End of Summit

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